
for Tytooche NFT Project

What rights do I have as a buyer ? Answer: As a buyer, you have the right to sell, trade, or transfer the ownership of the collected NFTs. For example, you can sell your NFT on marketplaces like OpenSea or Rarible. You can also display your NFTs in digital galleries or on social media platforms. Additionally, you can duplicate, distribute, rent, create derivatives, modify, or commercially exploit your artworks. For instance, you might print your NFT artwork on merchandise like t-shirts or posters and sell them.

Can I display my NFTs publicly ?

Answer : Yes, as a buyer and collector, you are allowed to display your NFTs publicly or for personal use. This includes displaying them at home, on your phone, TV, digital frames, personal computers, etc. For example, you can use a digital frame to showcase your NFT in your living room or set it as a screensaver on your devices.

What exclusive rights do I have over my NFTs ?

Answer : Owning an NFT from a collection grants you exclusive rights to produce, reproduce, distribute, and authorize a third party to reproduce your artworks. You can also prevent the misuse of your works by malicious individuals. For example, if someone tries to use your NFT artwork without permission, you can take legal action to stop them and protect your rights.

Do I retain intellectual property rights as an artist ?

Answer : Normally, unless otherwise specified regarding Tytooche, I, as the artist, retain the intellectual property rights to the underlying artwork after the creation and sale of an NFT. This means I will not have the ability to commercialize or reproduce my art after the sale. For example, I cannot sell prints of the artwork or license it for use in other products without the buyer’s consent.

What happens after I sell my NFT as an artist ?

Answer : After selling an NFT to a collector, I will not have the ability to commercialize or reproduce my art, through licensing or printing, for example. This ensures that the buyer has exclusive control over how the artwork is used and monetized. For instance, if a collector buys my NFT, they alone can decide whether to create physical prints or merchandise featuring the artwork.

How do NFTs add value to digital products ?

Answer : NFTs create the rarity of a digital product and add value to an artwork by certifying its uniqueness. They facilitate proof of copyright precedence by recording them on the blockchain. For example, an NFT can prove that you are the original owner of a digital artwork, making it more valuable to collectors who want to own something unique and verifiable.

What exclusive benefits do NFT offers provide ?

Answer : NFT offers provide access to various exclusive benefits and early access, which can be associated with the future success of the artwork. They establish the authenticity of a digital work. For instance, owning an NFT might give you early access to new artwork releases, invitations to exclusive events, or even participation in virtual meetups with the artist.

What must I ensure before tokenizing a work ?

Answer : It is necessary for a buyer to have the required rights and permissions before tokenizing a work. The author can still exercise their moral rights to oppose the "abusive deformation or moral deterioration" of their work during the tokenization process. For example, if you want to tokenize a digital painting, you need to ensure you have the artist’s permission to do so. Otherwise, the artist can object to any unauthorized modifications or uses of their work.

What is a digital certificate of authenticity ?

Answer : As a buyer of an NFT, you receive a digital certificate of authenticity that verifies the uniqueness of a work, helping to combat counterfeiting. For example, when you buy an NFT, the blockchain records the transaction, proving that your NFT is the original and not a copy. This can be important for collectors who want to ensure they are purchasing genuine digital art.

How are NFTs categorized ?

Answer : These NFTs are categorized based on their rarity, offering different advantages accordingly. Owning one of these NFTs guarantees your ownership in Tytooche's first collection. For example, rare NFTs might come with special perks like limited-edition merchandise, exclusive event access, or higher resale value due to their scarcity.

What does Tytooche's first collection represent ?

Answer : Tytooche's first NFT collection showcases the vast array of possibilities offered by the artistic revolution in the blockchain domain. This series marks Tytooche's initial foray into the wide range of blockchain offerings, and it certainly won’t be the last. For instance, this collection might include a variety of digital artworks that explore different themes and styles, demonstrating the innovative potential of NFTs in the art world.

What message does Tytooche's NFT project convey ?

Answer : The project emphasizes the importance of passion and authenticity, aiming to bring together various aspects of my personality and contribute something meaningful to the NFT space. It also highlights the importance of community support. For example, a portion of the proceeds from NFT sales could be donated to charitable organizations, and the project could include initiatives to promote the well-being of both artists and collectors.